Mercaris provides critical market data and online trading for organic, non-GMO, and other identity-preserved agricultural commodities and ingredients.

General company ifno:

Year of founded: 2012

Zip Code: 20910

Employees: 1-10

In sector: Food & Agriculture

Revenue Sources: Data analysis for clients, Database licensing, Subscriptions

Social Impact:

Mercaris provides market data and online trading for organic, non-GMO and other identity-preserved agricultural commodities. This includes cash market price data, trade statistics, and other information. Mercaris also allows buyers and sellers to meet online to procure commodity crops and discover price. This information has never before been available to market participants in an accessible, relevant manner.

Financial Info:
Seed round investment of $800K raised from angel & institutional investors. Early customers & strategic partners include, Whole Foods Market, Organic Valley, UNFI, Perdue Farms, and others.

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