Stamen Design specializes in an emerging genre of interactive mapping and live data visualization.
General company ifno:
Year of founded: 2001
Zip Code: 94110
Employees: NA
In sector: Geospatial/Mapping
Revenue Sources: Not reported by company
Social Impact:
Stamen Design has developed a reputation for design and technical leadership in the emerging genre of interactive mapping and live data visualization. Our diverse team works with corporate clients like MTV, National Geographic and Microsoft, cultural institutions like the Exploratorium and SFMOMA, artists like Vito Acconci, internet giants like Facebook and Google, and data bodies like OpenStreetMap. Building and contributing to open source software projects is a key part of Stamen’s practice. Our work is in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art.
Financial Info:
Stamen Design was founded by Eric Rodenbeck in 2001.