Webitects is a web design, design research, and software development consultancy that has been a major sponsor and participant in Chicago’s growing open data movement.
General company ifno:
Year of founded: 1998
Zip Code: 60603
Employees: 11-50
In sector: Data/Technology
Revenue Sources: Data analysis for clients, Database licensing, Web Design, Development
Social Impact:
Webitects is a web design, design research, and software development consultancy that has been a major sponsor and participant in Chicago’s growing open data movement. Websites involving open civic data include areas of political transparency, crime and criminal justice reform, education, and sustainability.
Financial Info:
Webitects is a completely self-funded private company and does not release revenues.
Three of the four founders of Open City are from Webitects and, in November 2013, Webitects was named the Chicago City node of the international Open Data Institute, an organization founded by Tim Berners-Lee to provide “knowledge for everyone.”