In a long-bygone era, Air India helmed by JRD Tata was known to be a delight for fliers, with ornate interiors and in-flight services second to none in the world. But most passengers today have only heard about this pinnacle of Air India’s service quality, for they have been used to a product that reflected the carrier’s woes–acute financial distress, excessive government interference, and inefficiencies that mar many a public sector company. Rundown planes with poor upkeep became the hallmark of India’s flag carrier. Now back in the Tata fold after its privatisaton, Air India is aiming to restore the famed status it enjoyed decades ago.
The carrier will put into service its brand-new Airbus A350-900 from Monday. (Express photo)
The carrier will put into service its brand-new Airbus A350-900 from Monday. The plane, which is also the first A350 aircraft in the country, was officially inaugurated at Wings India 2024 in Hyderabad on Thursday. The plane will initially be deployed on domestic routes for a few months for crew familiarisation flights, before switching to international medium and long-haul routes by mid-2024.
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