, created by Berkery Noyes, is a simple, powerful information service that provides mergers and acquisitions data via a hosted, graphically enhanced and searchable database.

General company ifno:

Year of founded: 2009

Zip Code: 10006

Employees: 1-10

In sector: Finance & Investment

Revenue Sources: Not reported by company

Social Impact:

Description:, provided by Berkery Noves, is an information service that provides mergers and acquisitions data via a hosted and searchable database. It is based on the Berkery Noyes Information Industry Weekly report, a resource for mergers and acquisitions data for many top executives of companies that have been shaping the future of information. Although anyone interested in M&A would find to be useful, this service is geared towards a C-level executive who wants to quickly find and review information industry transactions and companies with an eye toward finding a match for their own products and services.

Financial Info:

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