With collaborative and crowd-sourced components, Calcbench allows financial analysts, accountants, lawyers and investors to instantly access, work with and share SEC filing data.
General company ifno:
Year of founded: 2012
Zip Code: 10002
Employees: 1-10
In sector: Finance & Investment
Revenue Sources: Data analysis for clients, Database licensing, Subscriptions
Social Impact:
Calcbench is a company that fully harnesses the power of the new, government mandated data standard called XBRL. This gives us a direct line into the SEC’s corporate financial data repository. As a result, we are able to provide data with a whole new level of detail, faster, and at a much better value. Our expertise is that we process and store all XBRL filings in a uniquely structured, cloud based data universe. We use advanced computing techniques to identify and correct errors (close to half a million corrections made so far), and increase comparability between companies. We make data available to you within minutes after a filing leaves the CFOs hands.
Financial Info: