Remi uses quantitative economic analysis to guide policy decisions.
Asset4 provides objective, comparable and auditable extra-financial information.
PolicyMap is a web-based GIS and mapping company that captures and visualizes data including demographics, health data, mortgage trends, school performance scores, and crime statistics.
Glassy Media is a production company hatched out of the MIT Media Lab that makes tools to help people connect with information and facilitate transparency.
Panjiva is a major provider of intelligence to global trade professionals, enabling businesses to connect across borders.
OTC Markets Group’s financial marketplaces provides investors with information to intelligently analyze, value and trade 10,000 US/global securities through the broker of their choice.
Propeller Health enables people with asthma to track their symptoms and triggers and better use their medication.
Investormill makes it simple to find and chart economic and financial data.
State Farm is a group of insurance and financial services companies in the United States. uses data and patient insight to help people find doctors, appointments, and procedures and help doctors and hospitals attract patients.