Aureus Sciences provides databases and information tools for pharmaceutical and biotech companies.
Trulia gives home buyers, sellers, owners and renters the inside scoop on properties, places and real estate professionals.
48 Factoring Inc. is one of the best financial services company using unique factoring 2.0 financial product which helps business to grow.
Weather Underground provides free, real-time online weather information to users, as well as a variety of Newspaper Weather Services and Custom Site Weather Packages.
Rank and Filed is like the Securities and Exchange Commission’s EDGAR database, but for humans. It provides free access to filings and financial data.
WebFilings is the creator of Wdesk—business reporting in real time.
SpaceCurve, developers of a real-time big data platform, delivers immediately actionable intelligence and turn data into value as quickly as it is created.
Paxata introduces the Adaptive Data Preparation platform built for the business analyst.
Kimono turns unstructured data on websites into APIs without writing any code – transforming data into structured, manipulable data sets.
Relationship Science (RelSci) is a business development tool that provides deep information about influential people.