Nerdwallet helps consumers with money questions on banking, insurance, health care, investments, education, housing, travel, and shopping.
Maponics specializes in location-based data and information for businesses, including School, Neighborhood, Subdivision, Shopping, College Campus, City, ZIP Code, and Carrier Route Boundaries.
Keychain Logistics is an online marketplace to create efficiency and safety in the truck-based logistics brokerage business.
Datalogix provides marketing infrastructure for the data-driven era by connecting digital advertising to offline sales.
Webitects is a web design, design research, and software development consultancy that has been a major sponsor and participant in Chicago’s growing open data movement.
OpenCounter helps entrepreneurs get their businesses up and running more quickly and easily by providing an online interface to the permitting process at City Hall.
Tableau Software produces a family of interactive data visualization products focused on business intelligence.
Galorath’s SEER tools help remove the risk and uncertainty from projects by providing predictions of their time and cost to develop.
We’re bringing transparency to the health-care marketplace by telling people what stuff costs.
Castle Biosciences works with cancer institutions to license proprietary technologies and complete development and validation, making tests available to individuals afflicted with a rare cancer.