eInstitutional generates actionable intelligence from automated reviews of financial documents, where gigabytes of data are simultaneously reviewed to identify market risks and opportunities.

General company ifno:

Year of founded: 2008

Zip Code: 06877

Employees: 1-10

In sector: Finance & Investment

Revenue Sources: Data analysis for clients, Database licensing

Social Impact:

eInstitutional generates actionable intelligence from all manner of public financial documents, inclusive of SEC filings, accounting statements, and prospectuses. We apply our proprietary analysis to identify key performance indicators that correlate with companies who outperform in the marketplace, and also flag those entities that appear to exhibit weaker profiles relative to peer group. We routinely scan gigabytes of data where documentation is reviewed on both a stand-alone basis and with cross-reference to thousands of other documents. Financial statements are additionally analyzed within the context of social media and real-time news events.

Financial Info:
eInstitutional was recently recognized by The Innovation Enterprise at a summit that annually offers participants the opportunity to learn about leading-edge technological developments in the sphere of finance. For 2013 the theme of “Financial Planning and Analysis” was a special focus, and eInstitutional was acknowledged for its achievements in the category of “Best Financial Innovation of the Year”.

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