EHDP provides customized desktop and web-based data query systems (Vitalnet) for analyzing large, complex data sets.
General company ifno:
Year of founded: 1997
Zip Code: 98005
Employees: 1-10
In sector: Healthcare
Revenue Sources: Software licensing
Social Impact:
EHDP provides Vitalnet for analyzing large complex health data sets, including BRFSS, birth, cancer, hospital discharge, mortality, pregnancy, and others. Vitalnet is a totally customized data warehouse software, guaranteed to work correctly with no risk of project failure. Vitalnet runs on the desktop, or over the internet in a browser.
A Vitalnet license includes programming, customization, user guides, train-the-trainer, problem resolution, and other support services needed to ensure project success. Flat-rate licensing simplifies purchasing and ensures no cost over-runs.
Vitalnet seeks to improve public health by making better use of government open health data. Vitalnet uses government open data inside the software. Also, the software is used to analyze government open data.
Vitalnet fulfills the role of many different kinds of software to benefit your organization, including: community assessment, data access, data analysis, data dissemination, data linkage, data mining, data query, data warehouse, decision support, educational, ICD database, and virtual data center.
Financial Info:
Internal financial information not provided.