FlightStats provides a set of web services that provide global travel information.

General company ifno:

Year of founded: 2005

Zip Code: 97204

Employees: 51-200

In sector: Transportation

Revenue Sources: Not reported by company

Social Impact:

FlightStats is a leading global provider of data services and applications to the travel industry and traveling public. The company delivers real-time global flight status information, messaging and alerting, and complementary services that power many of the worlds most popular travel applications and support the operations of airlines, agencies and airports. Our historical archive of flight data is proving quite valuable in projects aimed at measuring and improving airline and airport operational efficiencies and in predictive analytics applications such as passenger flow modeling.

FlightStats’ data reaches nearly 40% of global air travelers each day via our customers’ search engines, mobile applications, websites, FIDS boards, flight alerts and our own consumer properties. We’ve made a significant investment and notable progress in expanding our data coverage in key functional and geographic areas and shown continuous improvement in accuracy, reliability, and timeliness. FlightStats aims to be the most trusted and reliable source of global flight and airport data.

Financial Info:

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