Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) on Tuesday said that the Income Tax Department has demanded Rs 84 crore penalty pertaining to three assessment years and the Corporation has decided to file an appeal against the order.
For assessment year 2012-13, the tax authority has imposed a penalty of Rs 12.61 crore, for 2018-19 Rs 33.82 crore, while Rs 37.58 crore for assessment year 2019-20, LIC said in a regulatory filing.
Penalty has been imposed on state-owned insurer for violation of sections 271(1)(c) and 270A of the Income Tax Act, 1961, it said.
The notice was issued by the Tax Department on September 29, 2023, it said.
Incorporated in 1956 with an initial capital of Rs 5 crore, LIC has an asset base of Rs 45.50 lakh crore with a life fund of Rs 40.81 lakh crore as of March 31, 2023.