MicroBilt Corporation, is a source and provider of decision critical information that assists businesses in reducing risk and managing their business.

General company ifno:

Year of founded: 1978

Zip Code: 30144

Employees: 201-500

In sector: Business & Legal Services

Revenue Sources: Not provided by company

Social Impact:

MicroBilt Corporation is a source and provider of decision critical information that responsibly assists businesses in reducing risk and managing their business. MicroBilt provides online access to consumer and commercial credit bureau data with automated decisioning and collection services. With its PRBC Consumer Report with the FICO Expansion Score, MicroBilt is a leading provider of alternative credit data to businesses that want to offer credit and other financial services to the approximately 110 million underserved and underbanked consumers in the United States.

MicroBilt is also a provider of proprietary financial data with its Integra Data which offers industry benchmarks, norms, valuation data, risk management tools, and other private company financial data that help companies get the answers they need when they need them. The company enables businesses to enhance their content offerings by delivering private labeled content or web sites to their established online communities.

Financial Info:

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