Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman Thursday said only political stability, policy consistency and decisiveness will guarantee the upward movement of India’s economy. She also said the inclusion of India’s sovereign bonds in JPMorgan’s emerging market index could bring in $23 billion in foreign capital flows.
“Quite a few things have been said about the Indian economy. We are said to become the third largest. From the 10th position in 2013-14, we have moved over to the fifth-largest economy… India in the next few years will move to become the third-largest economy. And already lots of people say, oh that’s a given. We will at any cost be third largest. You don’t need to take any credit for it. It’s not the current government which is keen to take credit for it, it’s actually the people of India who should feel that they should get credit and feel proud about it… to say it is a fait accompli, therefore, there’s no effort of the people of India, is to undermine the importance of entrepreneurs, farmers, and the struggling and economically weaker sections of India…,” she told students of the Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC).
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