Scale Unlimited provides consulting and training services for big data analytics, search, and web mining.

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Year of founded: 2006

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Employees: 1-10

In sector: Data/Technology

Revenue Sources: Not reported by company

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Scale Unlimited provides consulting and training services for big data analytics, search, and web mining.

We help companies turn big data into useful information via custom data processing workflows. Our clients range from Fortune 50 companies to early stage startups. We specialize in large-scale data processing, web crawling, data mining, machine learning and search. We also provide training on the open source technologies we use, including Hadoop, Cascading and Solr. We mentor the client’s team, ensuring a smooth and successful hand-off at the end of the project.

Scale Unlimited builds and runs both broad and focused web crawls. We can extract structured data from unstructured web pages, apply cutting-edge machine learning to classify/cluster/filter the content, analyze the results using Hadoop, and deliver it to you via XML, searchable Solr indexes, or custom APIs.

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