The goal of SimpleTuition is to make it easier for students and their families to afford a higher education.
General company ifno:
Year of founded: 2006
Zip Code: 02210
Employees: 11-50
In sector: Education
Revenue Sources: Not reported by company
Social Impact:
SimpleTuition helps more than 10 million students a year afford higher education. The company provides tips, advice, interactive tools that ensure students plan better for college costs, pay less for college-related expenses, and be smarter about how they manage and pay back their student loans. In addition to, the company manages ValoreBooks, SmarterBucks Rewards, and SmarterBank.
Financial Info:
Named Best Financial Services Site by Kiplinger’s, SimpleTuition is headquartered in Boston, Mass., and is funded by Atlas Venture, Flybridge Capital Partners, and North Hill Ventures.