Urban Mapping offers ’embedded geographic technology,’ offering spatial operations (create maps, generate reports, etc…) using an on-demand collection of data, which includes over 10,000 variables.

General company ifno:

Year of founded: 2006

Zip Code: 94108

Employees: 1-10

In sector: Geospatial/Mapping

Revenue Sources: Data analysis for clients, Database licensing, Subscriptions

Social Impact:

Urban Mapping offers ’embedded geographic technology,’ meaning a web-first approach to delivering geo-intelligence. This means offering spatial operations (create maps, generate reports, etc…) using our on-demand collection of data, which includes over 10,000 variables.

Because the Mapfluence platform brings together web mapping with an integrated collection of high-value data, developers/organizations can quickly develop solutions that are relevant for their needs. We have expertise in data transformation and maintain an active data sourcing group which works independent of our core visualization/analytic engine.

Financial Info:
Raised seed round in 2006 and have since grown organically. 2012 revs were 45% YOY growth.

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